Saturday, December 11, 2010

Whirly Legacy Generation 1 Chapter 6

AGH I can't wait for break. I want to play Sims but then I remembered I had to get this up to's already super far behind.
chapter 6...out of 8! Just 2 more after this...woohoo!
Whit: Mwah!
Rose: Whatevs. Imma pwactice a bad attitude for teenagehood
Don't forget childhood, and Vicky still have that to go through
Rose: Drop me and I'll kill you!
Whit: look, you're twin is growing up!
Vicky: Yay! Now is my turn too!
Vicky: yaaaay! I gets to touch fire!
HA! no...
Vicky: sparklesplosion!
Vanessa: Now I's the only baby girl! Rose has't' feed me when I want now!
Rose rolled Eco Friendly.
Vicky rolled Loves the Outdoors
That's when I made the four of them go out front. I can NOT force those girls to all have to share a room, or make 7 people use 2 bathrooms.
This is the outside of their house. When they have more money to waste I'll buy good walls...
 A TV area up front...
 Large dining/kitchen area behind that
 skilling room on the other side...
 (other half of skill room)
And, of course, the original two bathrooms didn't change.
 Then there was the upstairs, with it's hallway...
 Bathrooms...(the kids all share this one)
 ...(master bath)
 The kids' rooms...(Alice and Riley share the one to the left, then there's James', then Rose and Vicky, then Vanessa...)
And the master bedroom, on the very edge.
With so much more time on her hands, Whit can finally center her freetime on teaching her baby everything she needs to know.
See? She's teaching her baby as much as she can.
The girls stayed out of the way, playing in their room on their last day before school...poor girls. They do NOT want to go to school.
Alice paints a lot of the time...She's addicted.
I found out soon that SHE decided to stay outside of work and play the guitar all night instead of go to work!
Ruby looks crazy now, doesn't she? To know that she lost her boyfriend to Whitney drives her crazy. I don't know what's up in life for her, but I don't WANT to...
 James LOVES the new laptop. (Sherman got it from one of his promotions. I finally got a chance to use it.)
 Riley is a Chess freak. You'd think that SHE'S the genius, not James.
And of course Alice see's Rose, and wants to gag. She causes so many problems when she automatically shoo's children to the next room.
Alice: I do NOT want to be around these brats!
That's why Alice spends a lot of her time painting in her room.
Sadly, that's the end of the chapter. buhbye for now! I'll probably write a new chapter soon.

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