Monday, January 24, 2011

Whirly Legacy Generation 2 Chapter 4

Yay! Another chapter! And this one is pretty actiony, but maybe a little shorter than the others...maybe.
This chapter will have stuff happen, just like last chapter! Yay!
Vanessa: Whew! It's done!
And it's a girl! Well, two girls. I can't help it, I love having multiples, but I promise, one generation I won't force any multiples. The twins names are Lily and Dahlia. Lily is a slob who hates the outdoors while Dahlia is absentminded and a light sleeper.
 One birthday cake...
 And 2 birthday cakes...
 And one cute baby...
And a second cute baby! I love babies :D
 Everyone helped take care of the babies, and I do mean everyone.
It was so sweet.
 When they weren't helping with the babies, they were helping with the house.
 Except Whitney. She just painted a lot. I love her anyway!
 And Sherman got the laundry gnome! I named it Magicka.
 EVERYTHING broke in this house on a seemingly daily basis.
See what I mean?
 Vanessa: I like hearts. I mean I really like hearts.
 Vanessa: Want to make hearts?
Francisco: Oooh you know how to make hearts?
Vanessa: Yep. And lots of them, too!
 I love the much fun!
 Whitney played with the girls a lot. The doll house was in her bedroom with Sherman.
Nothing fun went on for DAYS before Vanessa found out she was pregnant. Yaaay! Another baby!
 The kids were all so adorable together, playing with their toys! I love them!
 Vanessa took Anthony to the cake...Sadly, because of another event, I kind of forgot to take a picture of him as a child like I usually do on their birthdays...
This was the event that distracted me. NOOO!!
 Grim: YOU! Are going in your urn RIGHT NOW!
 Whitney: Please, no, five more minutes!
Grim: I've given you whole extra DAYS! YOU'RE GOING TO YOUR URN RIGHT NOW, LADY!

 Anthony: Great birthday, huh? Not only am I in underwear, but my grandma died!
 Vanessa: I think you need some friends, Grim...
Grim: That's rediculous! I have parties all the time!
Vanessa: Alright...well...can you at least leave, since you finished taking my mom away from me?
Grim: You're rude! But I'll leave...I guess...
This is her grave, in the very back of the large yard. Sherman will join her sooner or later. Here's a few pictures in her memory...

That's all for her memories...that's a lot. Oh well! Let's move on now, after a brief mourning period...
 That morning, Sherman woke up and snuck out of the house without my knowing.
 With his extreme fear of darkness, I would never have thought he would make it to his destination, Whitney's grave.
 He couldn't imagine a life without her. He couldn't remember life before her...he didn't want to forget her like he had forgotten what he had for breakfast yesterday...
Here's Anthony's bedroom.
 Life had to keep going, even with Whitney gone. Things had to be fixed...
 The garden had to be tended...
 Things had to be checked...their world had to keep turning, especially with a baby on the way.
Speaking of baby on the way...labor time.
That's a random person that your son brought home from school.
 Finally, the baby came out. His name is Ashton.
Of course, an immediate birthday was in order! He got the traits Artisitc and Eccentric as well.
First dark-haired child of the generation!
Sorry to say this is the end of the chapter. I've got to go play Sims and get some more pictures, I'm finally caught up with the story! (almost) Now...adios! See you next chapter!

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