Sunday, February 13, 2011

Whirly Legacy Generation 2 Chapter 6

 Welcome back! We're almost done with the generation, just this chapter and the next, woohoo!
 I fixed Ashton's bed so it was his color.
Ashton: I'm so TIRED!
 Sherman: yeah, I know I've still got it, ladies.
He's always shirtless.
 Dahlia: And I was like, 'Really? You think that wearing a bra and underwear isn't appropraite?'
 Dahlia: And Katie was like, 'yeah, not when you're talking to your brothers or grandpa or dad!'
Lily: She never bothers having me change out of my pajamas.
Dahlia: I wonder why...
 I got them some new kitchen stuff since they had the money and I wanted to.
 Vanessa: Yay!
I didn't expect you to be this excited over a new stove and fridge...
 Vanessa: It's not THAT that I'm excited about.
 Vanessa: Crap maybe I shouldn't have cheered about getting older...
Vanessa: Change my hair. seriously. now.
Dahlia: But he's in his pajamas!
Sherman, put on some pants and a shirt. now.
 Ashton: You're innapropriate.
 Francisco went off to get a reward in his firetruck.
That's Riley!
 You'd think he'd be a better driver...
 Anthony: Is this really appropriate?
See, Anthony, your grandmother was a bunch of pixels. Pixels that I made look like her. And then your mother was created via your grandma and grandpa. And THEN, you were created. I own you.

Anthony: I guess in some twisted, twisted, way that makes a little sense...
Damn straight!
There he is...working out...looking all muscular...
 While francisco banged his hammer on the stove like a normal boy...
 His daughter was swiping something.
 First the light, and then a couple of blinds. Oh, I love klepto's.
Then, at home, Francisco mastered handiness!!
 Lily: That's disgusting!
 Dahlia: EWWW
 It's just their grandma...
later that night, Whitney had fun playing with the stove.
 She finally settled on sleeping next to her love <3
 Vanessa: Oh makes me feel old.
 Ah, a birthday cake for one of the children. But which one?
 Ashton: I'm going to become a teen. And you'll all want me.
 Ashton: I be even awesomer than I already am.
 That's Francesco in the corner...
 Let's wait for the sparkles to fade...
Ashton: Ugh this shirt is so not my style. I'd prefer a speedo.
He rolled Insane.

 This is Ashton. I just got Latenight a little while ago so I gave him Latenight hair. I'm also gonna change the other kids' hair.
 I had to give her hair the's just so her!
 Here's Lily. She's in her PJ's because I forgot to change her into normal clothes. She's too boring a serious to have fun hair...
And here's Anthony. I don't know how I'm gonna choose one of them.

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