Thursday, November 25, 2010

Whirly Legacy Generation 1 Chapter 1 Part 2

Okay so this is the second part, obviously...Anyway, now's the time to find out about the first pregnancy!
It's not very good but that's the cover for this generation. I'll get better at editing them later.
Now onto the chapter...
She found out she was pregnant while painting.
of course, she's still obsessed with dragons...
Whit and Sherman: Shut up! We're trying to sleep!
 Sherman was at work a lot of the time, trying to make enough money to be able to make the house bigger. Whit, meanwhile, did all sorts of things. She went to the garden and stole their harvest again...
 practiced some guitar...
 went and SOLD all the stuff she got, except for a certain gender fruit...
 and of course, she ate some food.
and started painting more. Whit, that's supposed to be Sherman?
Whit: duh!
But he has a beard...and a pink shirt...
Whit: Whatever!
Sherman: I think it's beautiful!
Whit: Good boy!
Why'd you stop?
Whit: what do you think?
Sherman: WHAT DO I DO?!?!?
Ah...take her to the hospital?

Whit: I'm goin in!

several hours later...
Alice Whirly was born. She's artistic and disciplined. She loves mac'n'cheese, white, and roots.
Followed by Riley Whirly. Riley is nothing like either of her parents. She's an evil loner, and her favorites are soul, cobbler, and lime.
With the births of the twins, the house got expanded on.
The entire house got larger, and the empty room became the twins room.
Outer view of the house...if you wonder why I'm using that wall paint, it's because it's all free. So yeah, I used the cheap stuff. But they're pretty poor, yah know...
Poor daddy boy here tried to help, but he was a cop, and didn't have a lot of time to help.
I'm like every legacy person who has the ever-breaking toilets.
Her life for the first two days was filled with taking care of the babies. She barely had a free minute to take care of her needs.
thankfully, she did find enough to eat.
When he was home, Sherman helped as much as he could while he was home, but it as difficult for both of them. They couldn't wait for the girls to grow up so they could start teaching the girls their skills, so the girls could take care of theirselves mostly.
Usually it takes about two days for her to complete a painting, this one she started before the twins were born and didn't finish until they were about ready to grow up.
Sherman: I think we should get a TV.
Whit: You know what I think we should do?
Sherman: Oh, now, I think I do know what you wanna do...
Whit: Shall we?
Sherman: We shall.
OK now...time to leave...
It was the twins birthday...just after the woohoo. :D
I kinda forgot to add little hearts or whatever to Riley's...whatever...she's gonna live anyway.
I immediately set Whit to teaching Alice to potty. It's so obvious that they have favorites. Sherman wants to teach Riley everything, which is weird since he's 'good' and she's 'evil,' and Whit wants to teach Alice everything.
It wasn't like that all the time though, Whitney and Sherman didn't completely ignore their non-favorites.
HAH! My first barfing-pic
Whit: Now it's BROKEN?!?! ARRGH!!!
Cute family picture with the babies learning stuff!! awww!! I'd leave you here...but I want to add one more thing before I leave yah...
Whitney's pregnant! She's already about 9 days from adulthood and only has 2 kids! I want at least 3 kids total to choose from! I'm gonna go for now and hope I get latenight... byebye!

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