Sunday, November 28, 2010

Whirly Legacy Generation 1 Chapter 4

Welcome to Chapter 4! The family has become quite busy lately, and can only get busier from here! Though, thankfully, not much bigger for now. We're getting closer and closer to our heir or heiress being chosen!
It's hard to believe I made this cover earlier this week...and now she's no longer a single girl or basically homeless.
I left you last with the knowledge of her last pregnancy. With most of her babies(Really, only half of them) being old enough that they don't need her, she's found time to do things more enjoyable than run around feeding babies.
She's not a terrible mom though.
Whit: Here little Vicky, momma will take care of you.
The kids did spend time together, the twins weren't super close with their little brother, but they still played with him. Sadly, James constantly ending up with a low social need. Kind of depressing, really.
When I narrowly avoided a fiasco of one or more of them peeing in their pants, I knew that a new bathroom couldn't be held off any longer.
Then it was time for the girls' birthday party! (all 4 of Whit's daughters)
Alice: yaaay!!
Riley: thanks for missing me blowing out the candles.
Whit: yaaay! now they can help with babies!
Riley went first because she reached her cake first.
Riley: These sparkles won't turn me good, will they...?
Nope. It'll make you older instead.
She's quite pretty if you ask me. She's also kleptomatic now.
Riley: YESS! Now I'm super-bad. And by that I mean the GOOD kind of bad.
Alice: *jump*
Alice looks awkward in this picture, but she's pretty too. She new dislikes children. And she and Riley grew up in the same ugly shirt thing!
Riley, being the evil person she is, blinked when I took the picture! And I didn't realize, so I never took another. Joy. But I'm way too lazy to go back and get another one NOW.
After I changed her hair but before I could change her clothes, Alice chose, all by herself, to take care of the babies!
Alice: ugh...disgusting little thing...I don't want any...EVER!
Riley: Guess what? Today was my birthday!
I think she'd know...she's your twin...
Alice: omg Sis I'm so happy for you!
Riley: I know! so exciting!
After that, I changed Alice's clothes. SHE had the politeness not to blink. She's pretty, too. I can only hope that the rest will be pretty too.
I gave their bedroom a make over. each of them got a 2X1 area of things plus a lamp of their own. Since Riley likes logic, I gave her a shelf and chair.
Alice got another lamp and her own eisle since I didn't want her to have to share with her mother.
Then Whitney took baby Rose to the cake.
I don't like this way of babies growing up. I prefered the 'throw them in the air and they became toddlers' way of Sims 2. But oh well...
Here's pretty little Rose. I've realized that not all the babies have dark blue eyes. it LOOKS like Rose has gray. I know at least one of the last 3 babies has gray eyes.
Then little Vicky was up to the cake. I don't have any good sparkles pictures, so I'm gonna skip to her makeover...
And here's little Vicky! I still don't understand where all these shades of brown come from...I can understand Alice's, because it's kind of like whit's hair, but just a little different, but the dark brown must have been Sherman's mom or dad's hair.
Riley really did help out with the babies.
Riley: What?'m just checking for candy, for later, since James is a kid now!
Alice: shoo, you little brat!
Can you believe that earlier that day they were all playing together nicely, and now James is being shooed from his own kitchen?!
Riley: Gosh, I'm so pretty!!
*sigh* Even though I usually don't like evil, kleptomatic, sims, Riley is pretty interesting. I could see Riley or Alice being heiress.
Even though she thought she was perfect, she obviously loved her little sisters enough to give them attention.
Riley: Now say, 'Riley is perfect'
Even James helped out with the babies.
James: I don't want them to take Rose or Vicky away. for all I know they'd take away me too!
Alice: Want a bottle, you little baby?
 James: Yeah, well...Lightbulb! I mean...You're not the brightest bulb in the family! I AM!
 Alice: Shoo, little brat! Out of my room!
 James did leave...
But later on, he went back to make her bed to try to make her not hate him. How cute?
 Alice: Another reason to hate children. I have to take care of their freaking potty problems.
Riley: Now, let's leave a present for our dear sister, Alice.
Rose: Good idea! She'll wuv it!
Riley: that THAT'S done...
Rose: Oh nos...James warned me ub dis...I shoulda put mah candeh in my cwib.
Well, SHE'S proud of herself now, isn't she? Still, seeing the first two heiress's as teens gives me hope that the rest will be just as cute.
Riley: duh! I'm adorable, how could my mom and dad make anything ugly? Though I'm an extra-fine example of their genetic good-ness.
Now, I'm gonna leave you with this. Tomorrow is the first day of 'study-for-finals-days' so I may not get anything much done from now until mid-december. But I'll try. I just have to get a bit more for chapter 6, and I think after that we'll be ready for the heir/ess vote! Bye for now!

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