Friday, November 26, 2010

Whirly Legacy Generation 1 Chapter 2

Back again! I realized something...right now was a bad time to start a legacy. I have finals in about 3 weeks, and once Thanksgiving break is over, I'm gonna be busy studying and won't have much Sims time. Once they're over with, I'll probably update like crazy. Let's get on to the chapter now, shall we?
Again, for now this is all there will be, cover wise...
Whenever he was home, and whenever he could (which wasn't often with his work) he taught Riley everything she needed to know.
And even through her pregnancy, Whit taught Alice whatever she could whenever she could.
Whit: C'mon baby girl. Time to learn how to make mommy's life easier by learning to potty by yourself!
Alice: Okeypokey.
She somehow found time to paint, and enjoyed it while she could, before she'd have to live with 3 little kids around the house.
Whit: It's gonna be a scratch and sniff painting!!
Of course, it wasn't completely split up. Whitney still paid attention to Riley, though Sherman rarely paid attention to Alice.
Sherman got a promotion though! That's good, at least...He's level 5.
Whitney still found time to go out though. She mainly visited the garden in order to steal more produce and then sell it for money.
The poor girls ended up starving some times when I tried to let their parents get a few more minutes of sleep while they sleep.
Strange that Sherman was extremely stinky, but he refused to use the shower until he cleaned it!
One morning, Sherman was up early trying to finish teaching Riley to walk.
I wasn't expecting Whitney, who was still rather tired and could have slept longer, to wake up then, even if she was starving. Why are you getting up, Whit?
Whit: You know why I'm getting up! It's been 3 days and you got a message anyway...
Instead of taking her to the hospital, I let Sherman go to work and had her do a home birth.
Whit: I hate youuuuu!!!
Blame it on Sherman...he's the one who had work.
She gave birth to her new son, James, in her bedroom.
the house was changed a little bit. made a little longer with the kitchen pushed forward a bunch. James has a room at the back, the same size as the others. I can already tell that this house will need fixing up soon...five people, one bathroom? Yeah, not a good idea...

Whitney still found time to teach Alice how to talk.
Whit: Toothbrush
Alice: Toofbwush
Whit: close!
and some time to paint.
And time to play the guitar.
Sherman: Lockness Monster!
Riley: Lockness Monster's aren't real...
Alice: hello? In a crib here...
Alice was taught all her skills in time. She was a few days from growing up.
Whitney found time to paint as well, when all her babies were sleeping.
the twins were SO cute. I love Alice's face there.
Because nothing interesting happened, it was soon time for James' birthday.
James grew up to have his dad's hair, darker than Riley's.
How cute! It seems like all the kids have their fathers eyes...which is pretty depressing. I really wanted one to have Whitney's eyes!
Because of the twins' social needs constantly needing refilling, I decided to buy them a block table.
Whitney and Sherman split up the duties for James more equally than they did for Alice and Riley, Whitney wanted to teach him two things, and Sherman wanted to teach another.
Whitney helped teach him how to walk.
You know what these two cakes mean?
First up, Alice.
Next was Riley. She looks way too cute to be evil.
Alice: I'm crosseyed.
She rolled Ambitious as her third trait.
Riley: Shparkles!
She rolled snob.
 I think they're pretty adorable, even in the ugly duckling stage.
Now that the girls were grown up, Sherman had more time to help teach James his skills.
the girls played together more than you would expect.
Whit: excuse me...eating here...
She had just gotten back from her first day back at work.
Alice decided she'd try a bit to get to know here dad. They barely knew each other.
Riley took some time to be alone and learn the logic skill. The first thing she wanted was to gain logic skill. Alice wanted to learn to paint.
Whit: The sun wears sunglasses.
James: Sungwasses.
Sherman: Flibberflibbenflackenflip!!
You broke the sink. good going.
This is where I leave you for now.

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